Titan Breaker

Species: Bull
Age: 38
Powers: Titan Breaker`s ability is superstrenght, making him highly durable and able to lift even buildings with ease.

Weaknesses: He may be highly durable, but not invincible. The best way to fight him is with Psycological powers or ranged powers.


Species: Symbiotic Dragon
Age: 40
Powers: Orion can manipulate his body to his will and increase his mass through consumption.

Weaknesses: His body is easily burnable.


Species: Boar
Age: 35
Powers: Gootusk can create tentacles made from goo out of his back.

Weaknesses: Even though the tentacles come from his back it is also his weak point, not being able to see his enemies behind him, making an attack from behind ideal.


Species: Symbiote Dragon
Age: 19
Powers: Tarùn much like Orion can manipulate his body, however on a much bigger scale, even being able to cover heroes and control their body.

Weaknesses: Tarùn is weak to fire and has a peanut allergy.


Species: Skunk
Age: 27
Powers: Momentum can teleport to after-images he creates.

Weaknesses: His teleportation is obvious because of his visible after-images.


Species: Wolf
Age: 39
Powers: Spotlight can manifest hardlight playing cards and strings.

Weaknesses: He loves performances, so much that he would participate in one instead of following plans.


Species: Jackal
Age: 35
Powers: Abrax`s arms are covered with bandages he can telekinetically control. His arms beneath his bandages are made out of gold.

Weaknesses: Abrax´s weakness is his own ego. Just make him talk about himself and he`s easily attackable.


Species: Skunk
Age: 20
Powers: Rapture can create webs and tentacles and hypnotize.

Weaknesses: Rapture`s weakness is fire as well.